Dr. Chestnut we are LOVING the new CSHA. You have finally made this as simple to use as it is powerful. It literally took me about 5 minutes to teach my CA how to use it during the exams and when she is not in the room I can easily just enter the VSC findings onto my tablet myself in seconds. The severity rated color coded VSC findings are so easy to relate to the patient’s exam and so great to use as the foundation of the care plan. The Report is awesome too - like you said at the seminar, the patients who need it read it and those who don’t already trust in my authority and follow my care recommendations. I am SO CONFIDENT giving my care plan recommendations now! Retention and compliance have already improved. You were right, at only $99/month the CSHA is an instant return on investment. Home run Doc. Thanks!
Dr. James, THANK YOU! I actually look forward to my ROF now! No dread, no hesitation, no self-doubt. Just an evidence-based care plan providing the best chance for the best outcomes from the most evidence-based intervention – chiropractic adjustment! I wish I had known all this 10 years ago. And the CSHA VSC findings are SO AWESOME to show patients why they need the care I am recommending. The progress exams are even better - I show them they are improving but that they still need more care to resolve the VSC and restore function. NO BRAINER! As you said, evidence-based certainty combined with an evidence-based exam and report is the foundation of a successful practice. I now can see it was my own doubts in the way. You erased those doubts and gave me tools to erase any doubts in patients (and staff by the way). Best money I’ve ever spent on my practice. Great job on this!
James I was at the UK seminar you did prior to the UCA event. I loved your talk on Saturday by the way but the full day on Friday changed my life – and practice. The information and evidence you provided made the proper recommendations self-evident and took away all my inhibitions about recommending a proper care plan. In fact, as you said, it’s my ethical obligation to recommend the care that provides the best chance to the patient to get the best possible outcome. Well I started using the new CSHA and Report on the following Monday and have not looked back. I’m actually using the Report for staff training! You’ve really done something so significant for the profession – and for patients. Practices will grow and patients will get better outcomes. What a concept! Thank you so much.
Dear James I finished reading your book- fantastic! It has added a whole new dimension to my understanding of the power of chiropractic. Interestingly I had a new client referred to me who is a very unsettled 8 week old. Her mother was very concerned about the safety of an adjustment - not because of potential soft tissue damage, but because of fear of it creating aberrant proprioceptive and mechanoreceptive input to her cerebellum. It turns out that she is a pediatric neuropsychologist and is researching the role of the cerebellum in learning disorders. Using your model I was able to allay her fears but also open her mind to the possibilities of chiropractic helping the kids she will see when she returns to work!! I really appreciate all that you have done in bringing your insight to chiropractic generally and chiropractic in Australia in particular. Thanks
Dr. Martin Harvey (Australian Research Foundation)
Hi Dr. Chestnut. I just wanted to say thank you for a great seminar series here in Australia. It has changed my life and my family s life as we have been implementing the different modules. The Wellness classes at my clinic are also very well attended and liked. I have been to many seminars in my nearly 20 years of practice but none have had such a vast impact on so many, including myself. I hope you are successful in spreading this message to a much larger audience so the rest of humanity can come on board. I will be doing my part to spread this message in my part of the world and I look forward to completing the certification process. Once again, thank you,
Dr. Michael Haworth
For the past 19 years I have been practicing chiropractic. One of my favourite things about being a chiropractor is when I have the opportunity to not only help someone recover from the problem that brought them in but also to help them heal from problems that they had either assumed could not be helped or had grown so accustomed to that they no longer even recognize the problem any more. Those people are so excited to realize that life doesn't need to be what they have accepted as normal if they continue to take the right steps.
That is exactly what my chiropractic practice has experienced with the help of the Wellness Practice! Prior to partnering with Dr. Chestnut I already loved Chiropractic and knew that not everything I was doing was as rock solid (from a scientific point of view) as I would have liked but accepted my reality and continued to help people everyday to the best of my ability. Then in the fall of 2015 I attended a seminar offered by Dr. Chestnut which literally revolutionized my practice. Up until that time I didn’t know it was possible for a chiropractor to be as confident, as certain and as scientifically sound as I now am. The beauty of it is, I didn’t need to buy a bunch of stuff, become a genius or improve my communication skills.
With the help of the Wellness Practice I learned and implemented protocols and principles which were scientifically sound, wonderfully effective and surprisingly simple to implement. I have always operated my practice with the utmost integrity and good intentions but after starting with The Wellness Practice I realized how much I was missing and consequently, how much more I could offer my patients by just switching gears a little and cleaning up my basic understanding and approach. I have now been partnered with The Wellness Practice for 6 years and it has been the most rewarding and gratifying 6 years of my practice life. When I went to that seminar 6 years ago I thought it might give me a few helpful tips. It ended up opening up a whole new world of practice certainty and credibility!
A big thank you to Dr. James Chestnut and your team for helping me get started and continuing to guide and support me along the way!
Dr. Brett Davey D.C. Ontario, Canada
Dear James, My chiropractor in Toronto loaned me his copy of The 14 Foundational Premises® that he received from a recent seminar of yours in Ottawa. The story goes like this: I had stopped chiropractic cold turkey a month ago after reading Stephen Barrett's website. A major factor in my decision was that my chiropractor was unable to answer any of my questions. For example, I wanted to know his justification for three times a week adjustments, especially if it was three days in a row. His only answer was to point at a colourful chart on the wall showing the stages of recovery. He loaned me your notes, and those notes convinced me to return to chiropractic, though I can't help shake the feeling that my chiropractor is too much of a salesman and not a professional healer. His science books are all old. I personally believe that any professional MUST keep up-to-date on the technical aspects of the field they practice. Medical doctors do it, lawyers do it, engineers do it, software professionals do it, so why is it hard for me to find a chiropractor who does it? Obviously you do this very well. Perhaps you can recommend a chiropractor in Toronto who actually tailors treatments to specific patients. Sincerely,
"You have an ability in science that is very rare and that this profession truly needs. Your passion and knowledge together make you a unique gift to chiropractic. What you present truly has the potential to finally unite us."
Dr. Fabrizio Mancini, President Parker College
In my nearly twelve years in practice this is the only seminar I've experienced that has presented hard science to substantiate the "Big Picture" of Chiropractic. This concise, inexpensive seminar has done more for grounding my chiropractic philosophy than any "philosophy" seminar I've ever been to. It provided all who attended the peer reviewed scientific research necessary to truly appreciate the scope of what chiropractic can and should be. I feel so strongly about the value of this information that I am compelled to write this open letter. I urge you to consider making this seminar available throughout the province so our colleagues can benefit as I have. In fact, make it compulsory!
Dr. Michael Lax
Thank you for the most inspiring weekend. I have been in practice for 11 years now and have yet to attend a seminar that combines philosophy and science as effectively as you have. Imagine being able to put this stuff to work on Monday! You are doing great and important work, thank you again.
Dr. Thor Gilbertson
Dr. Chestnut, I just wanted to thank you again for taking time away from your family to share with us this weekend your incredibly valuable knowledge. You say that we are the heroes but what do you call the person who gives certainty and inspires the heroes? In B.J.'s last written words he talks about how we must protect Chiropractic and keep this principle and practice unadulterated and unmixed. Listening to you this weekend has done that -- more than any speaker I have listened to in the last nine years. Thank you for your dedication and your persistence!
John Collins D.C.
Dr. Chestnut,
I can’t thank you enough for the time, and effort you invested to compile, digest, integrate and now disseminate this information. Fifteen years of practice, and two diplomate programs later, I've finally found what chiropractic is supposed to be about. Your work and vision for the profession are seminal. I can hardly wait to see how the rest of the CCWP program dovetails with this foundation.
With Gratitude,
Joe Muldoon
I did a wellness presentation this morning with a rather large company. The information that I've learned throughout my wellness certification allowed me to speak confidently, ask the right questions and communicate the problems we face as a society and a course of action that focused on wellness as the solution. I would never have been able to do any of the above without pursuing this certification. My education that I've received and the impact it's made on my beliefs will be priceless in the years to come as I'm able to walk through industry's doors with the life saving message of wellness.
Thank you Dr. Chestnut.
Mike Jorgensen, DC (soon to be C.C.W.P.), Fargo, ND
Dr. Chestnut:
I have learned so much since starting your course. Since then, I have had the opportunity to present chiropractic to a University of Toronto pre-med course run by an Internist and a Public Health PhD. They were thoroughly impressed; one of the students is even pursuing acceptance to a chiropractic college. Awesome. I even fielded a friendly, but pointed, question from the internist as to why one can’t just see a massage therapist and/or a physiotherapist instead of a chiropractor. I handled that question to his liking and he approached me after to discuss it and tell me of his future ideas of an “Integrated” clinic and he would keep me in mind! THANK YOU for helping me discover the answers and build the strength to have done what I did.
Dr. Adam Bletsoe
Thank you. Finished module 4 this past weekend in Chicago. Just finishing up the last few questions. What a wonderful gift you and and your program is to the chiropractic profession . I look forward to hearing you at Parker in Vegas. I imagine someone will be contacting me about a final or whatever, and I have hopes of some ongoing type of relationship/ friendship with The Wellness Practice.
I'm in the process of changing my clinic name from The Back and Neck Pain Relief Center to Back & Body Wellness. Thanks for the life changing experience. I'll hope to make you proud.
Be Well.
Marshall Jacobs BS DC FASA and soon to be CCWP.
Hi, Dr. Chestnut:
I just wanted to thank you again for the wonderful experience last week-end at the Innate Lifestyles Implementation Camp. I thoroughly enjoyed every moment of it, and find it difficult to find words to express the gratitude I feel toward you and your staff for the huge effort I know it took to put on such an amazing event.
Everything - the learning, the food, the activities, the friends, the sharing, the laughter - it all did so much to improve my well-being on many levels. Though I was an outsider, never once did I feel out of place.
Thank you so much. I've included a little video clip below that I have a feeling you will enjoy immensely (Meghan, too!) It just goes to prove that kids are kids, no matter what shape their body is!
Cheers To Your Health!
B. S.
Dear James
I had one of the best weekends of my life. I am grateful, and overjoyed and amazed at how smoothly you role modeled, inspired, coached, and empowered us. What sets you apart is that you really walk the talk and no compromise. No amount of thank you can express the feeling that I have now.
Thank you and your fantastic team to make it so easy and fun. I do not have Lori’s email, please thank her on my behalf. She is really an exceptional woman and a great role model. Regarding the Eject button mine is love and I prepared the chart that you discussed yesterday.
Dr. S.G. D.C, C.C.W.P.
Seven weeks and counting until the Innate Lifestyle Camp!
I am just as excited this year as I have been in the previous years that I have made the trek to Victoria. To me this trip is a return to my "tribe." I view this weekend as a chance to reconnect with my "elders" in the Wellness and Prevention Paradigm and once again learn from their ever-expanding knowledge base.
As anyone who has heard Dr. Chestnut talk in the past will relate, SUCCESS LEAVES CLUES! The weekend is an amazing experience, a wonderful example of what SUCCESS is, and a blueprint for what we could all potentially create within our own communities.
This camp allows participants to become fully engaged in what living the Innate Lifestyle looks, feels, and tastes like! Can anyone think of a better environment to immerse yourself in for a long weekend than one of complete health, wellness, vitality, positive energy, life-changing breakthrough, and rock-solid friendship? I personally cannot, and that is why I choose to return every time the camp is offered.
Also the one-on-one time you are able to access in the breath-taking natural environment in Victoria with proven leaders in the chiropractic and wellness world cannot be matched anywhere!
As an ILP provider I constantly remind my members that repetition is the key to their success and Dr. C and the team has made that very evident in the way the program talks are set up to allow for maximum results. We as providers are no different in our own need for repetition. I find this weekend fulfills this need and so much more. Being able to anchor such positive emotions to effortlessly living such a healthy lifestyle, even for a few days, reignites my spark enough every year to keep me expanding my influence within my community and further builds my Wellness and Prevention skill-set!
As Seth Godin says in Tribes: "I think we have an obligation to change the rules, to raise the bar, to play a different game, and to play it better than anyone has any right to believe is possible."
To me, that is what the Innate Lifestyle Camp is about, and I am eager to once again be reunited with this phenomenal tribe. See you in July!
Arron R. Kalis, D.C., C.C.W.P.
I have been running basic and advanced wellness workshops in our clinic for the past 2 months. These follow your presentations and are currently booked out until October!!! I have to borrow seats from our church each week as our clinic does not have enough. I am really seeing people catch the vision of wellness and begin to change their lifestyle. Thank you for your vision, guidance and inspiration.