In this section of our website, you will find our print and audio/video products.
At the moment our Australian warehouse only stocks Dr. Chestnut's most recent book - "Live Right for Your Species Type.". If you are interested in any of our other books or audio/video products, we invite you to visit our international website at
You can scroll down or click on the icon to learn more about "Live Right for Your Species Type."
Success Story
Dr. Chestnut,
I’m a chiropractor in my 4th year of practice. I was recommended “Live Right For Your Species Type” recently and I just wanted to reach out and say thank you.
I will carry on your work and passion for chiropractic, health and wellness for the rest of my life.
Your book has changed my life forever and I will apply it to change thousands of lives at my practice and in my community.
Thank you for everything you do. You are appreciated.
J.B., D.C.
In this section of our website, you will find our print and audio/video products.
At the moment our Australian warehouse only stocks Dr. Chestnut's most recent book - "Live Right for Your Species Type.". If you are interested in any of our other books or audio/video products, we invite you to visit our international website at
You can scroll down or click on the icon to learn more about "Live Right for Your Species Type."
Dr. Chestnut's
Books for Public
Dr. Chestnut's
Books for Public
Dr. Chestnut is internationally known and recognized for his achievements as a founding pioneer in the area of lifestyle as the foundation of wellness and prevention and as one of the most prominent practitioners and lecturers in that field. His latest book, "Live Right for Your Species Type" is the gold standard for learning about "why we are sick" and "how to get and stay well".
Easy to read and fully referenced, this book is a MUST READ for anyone seeking better health and wellness!